It has been found that children who do not have their fathers with them are more likely to get involved in social ills like alcohol and drug and are more likely to be homeless, go through mental and physical problems, drop out of schools and much more. These children are vulnerable to being the victims of various psychological disorders including fear, low self confidence, and in facing people assertively. These children most often feel to be out of the society, this feeling that they have been abandoned prevails for whole of their life if not treated. Here are a few of those social ills that may prevail in the life of a child all long and it is the need of the hour that we pay heed to helping these children in building a bright future. This Father's day let's vow to make life a celebration for these children as it is for many others. Here are some ill effects of being fatherless!!
Father's day is the right when we can talk about these underlying issues that need to be worked upon. If really want to build successfully a society worth living then we need to prioritize and solve this menace from the society. Studies have found that, fatherless children are more likely to commit suicide. They are vulnerable to being the victims of high level of aggressive behavior.
The root cause of poverty is illiteracy! It is usually that children follow their father when it comes to learning so many things so as to learn and then earn. For those children, who are given no time to learn from their father is likely to become casual with their education and so poverty prevails all their life.
Poverty and the suffering lead a person to get involved into such social ills including Drug and Alcohol. We have chosen father's day to talk on these issues because it is the time when we poised ourselves to celebrate and talk about having an idle father, but what about those millions fatherless children out there. Helping them will help the society as a whole and so it's very important.
The whopping number of young criminals out there in the Jail will all have definitely, one or more such unpleasant stories in life. If we wish to kill these growing criminal activities from the root it's the high time that we need to work upon it seriously. Those children who are brought up in an environment without father are more vulnerable to get involved in such activities. So, it's the time we understand them benevolently and help them to lead life of dignity.
Out of fear of not being recognized as normal as others, these fatherless children drop out of schools. They prefer abandoning schooling rather than being bullied by their fellow classmates. And, this becomes the reason they do not get proper education adding to number of illiterates in the world.
Let's come together this father's day to face this menace which is the father of all delineating issues in the society. Let's celebrate father's day this year with zeal to help everyone to be able to feel thankful for this beautiful gift of God called "Father".
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