For last many years Fathers' day has been celebrated across different parts of the World in the wake of emphasising the significance of Father's role in our life. The day celebrates the contribution of each and every father out there in the society. The day is observed with great faith in more than seventy countries across the globe. It's therefore, important that we learn how some of those atrocious fathers have adroitly and with great courage have transformed the bleak into bright and luminous for their sons, and helped them stand uprightly strong, even in the worst of the times. That way, these fathers also contribute to the upliftment of the society.
Here, we are going to help you out on understanding the considerable role that a father plays in the life of every child in every area from inculcating a sense of being sensible to being gentle with their own dreams and the dreams of the others. I may not be visible to the eyes it is they, the father who fosters the growth of a harmonious society. The below mentioned list of famous father will help everyone out in feeling gratified for all that a father does for taking up you and your dreams forward. Scroll through the page to go through the list:
1. JULIO IGLESIAS and ENRIQUE IGLESIASThey are great together!! There's a beautiful unseen bond between these famous father- son pair! Talking about his father Enrique once said that my father and I share such an overwhelmingly beautiful relationship that we do not have to feel sorry infront of each other for anything. He understands me and that has probably developed that sense of being benevolent with other's feelings.
Julio Iglesias is a famous songwriter and singer and he holds a record of selling over 300 million records in around 14 of languages. In his career he has released around 2600 platinum and gold record and released 80 albums in total. Records have established that he is the best selling artist of the Latin music. Enrique is Julio's son who has followed his father's footprints and is also a famous singers and song writer. Both of them share a beautiful father-son bond which! Even though Julia is more inclined towards his career and gives a higher priority to career rather than other things in life, his son absolutely understands whatever his father's priorities are. They love each other, they have respect for each other's priorities and most importantly they understand each other's ways of life.
2. MICHAEL-DOUGLAS-AND-KIRK-DOUGLASKirk Douglas is and actor and his career spans from the year 1946 to 2008 which sums up to about 50 years. His whole career includes over a couple of films. One of his famous films was Spartacus. To his name there are many awards and nominations. His outstanding career has probably taught his son the right way of taking up a path in his career and life.
Kirk's son Michael same as his father has worked hard to reach to the pick of the career he is at right now. He has been there in the acting career since 1966 and is active till now which include a large number of nominations and wins. Same as his father he also to his name registered the AFI Life Achievement Award. Kirk and Michael Douglas are the only father son duo, both of whom have received such an honour.
The beauty of the relationship they share has been great even in the times of distress that they have gone through especially while Michael Douglas had to go through go through chemo therapy and radiations to get removed from his throat a tumor. It was then the joy of being a father could be seen at the 94 year old Kirk Douglas. He said at the time that it's his son's recovery that made him feel years younger. This is the evidence of the great love they share with each other.
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